Monday 8 October 2012

OUGD401: Contextual Studies Task

Something I love:

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Typography by Doyald Young.
I really love design work by Doyald Young. I think all of his designs are really intricate, precise and beautiful. I love how he makes all his letters look as though they're flowing across the page and entwining with one another. I particularly like this piece of work by Young as he's left construction lines on the paper and all the letters have been created with pencil, which makes it more personal and authentic. The leftover pencil lines also add texture to the page, and I think the use of pencil makes the letters look softer and more subtle, rather than hard hitting and in your face.

Something I hate:

Source For Image
The London 2012 Olympics Logo.
I really cannot stand the Olympics Logo. I think it is really vulgar and far too sharp and in your face. I'm not sure why the numbers have been made to look so abstract and jaggerdy, but I really don't think it works at all and doesn't represent London at it's best. The colours used clash and hurt my eyes, and have nothing to do with the Olympics or London. I think the whole image is completely unappealing and horrible to look at. I can't see how the image conveys Britain or the 2012 Olympics at all, apart from the fact the Olympics 5 rings logo has been added in and the words London and 2012 are in there somewhere as well, otherwise it really doesn't relate and doesn't work at all. However, it is a very memorable image.

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