Monday 15 October 2012

OUGD401: Critical Analysis of Uni Prospectus

I think the uni prospectus, as a whole could take a lot of slating. However, the main focus points would be:

The Cover
The use of shiny red foiling on a blue stock really does not work. Considering Leeds College of Art & Design is a university filled with art students, they really should want to show this off in their prospectus, especially with the front cover as this is the very first impression that the prospect student would receive from our university, and really this should make a huge impact on their choice of whether they even want to go for an interview here! As the prospectus last year really did influence me to come and have a look at what else LCA had to offer.

The First Page
The opening page has no definite focal point, and is hard to focus on. The main body of text is bigger than the title more like a sub-heading and seems to only have been made bigger because there isn't enough content. It also makes little sense as to why they have bordered off each sentence - it looks like it's been design on Microsoft Powerpoint!

The Introduction To The Principal
Although the photo of the principal is both professional and friendly, it portrays the university in a business-like manner. It feels too clinical and not very creative, and we look more like a school for accountants. Also, the title is too understated and isn't very creatively designed or thought out.

The Images...
Throughout the entire prospectus, there are poorly cropped images scattered here there and everywhere. Not one of them lines up with text or another image, which makes it seem like they didn't even bother to use grids or margins! Also, the images themselves never really seem to relate to the text that corresponds next to them! I think the worst page would be when they're "showing off" what Graphic Design is all about, and they haven't even bothered to try and make those pages aligned, or even use an interesting layout choice! Poor design all round.

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