Tuesday 23 October 2012


2 examples of design work I love:

Poster Design by Teagan White
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I absolutely adore work produced by Teagan White. Every single thing she designs is well thought out and cleverly executed. I love how illustrative her work is and the amazing attention to detail, especially in this poster.

Illustrative Typography Design by Alberto Seveso
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I really love looking at the typography work that Alberto Seveso produces. I especially love the set of designs that this image came in, because of the bright colours and watercolor effect.

2 examples of design work I hate:

'11 Ways To Ruin A Great Design' Article by PiDesign
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I think work that has been produced like this is absolutely horrendous. You can tell that the designer used a combination of Microsoft software, such as paint and power-point to create the end product. The entire image is that bad it verges on the edge of greatness.

Terrible Fonts on dafont.com
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I absolutely hate flicking through the fonts on dafont.com and coming across extremely amateur typefaces such as this one. I also really don't like it when fonts have been created with little curly girly hearts and flicks as the dots on the I's etc, as I think it looks really tacky.

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