Sunday 24 March 2013

OUGD404: Mop-up & Submission

What are grids, columns, gutters and margins?
A grid is a two dimensional structure intersecting the horizontal or vertical axes and is used to create structure in design. Columns are ran vertically down the page to break up large columns of texts and are separated by gutters/spacing. Gutters are the inside margins in-between two facing pages. This extra page is used to accommodate the binding process. The margins are the edge or border of the design and it effects the aesthetics when altered. There are no hard and fast rules regarding grids, columns, gutters and margins, as aesthetics come by choice of the designer.

What are sub-heads, paragraphs, captions and ligatures?
A sub-heading is a heading given to a subsection of writing. It will allow the reader to understand what the section they're about to read is about. A heading is the title at the head of the page (the top) or section of a book. A paragraph is a distinct section of a piece of writing, usually dealing with a single theme and indicated by a new line, indentation or numbering. A caption is a title or brief explanation appended to an article, illustration or poster. In writing and typography, a ligature occurs where two or more graphemes are joined as a single glyph, for example:

What is DPS and what does it do?
DPS stands for double page spread. A DPS is a layout of a design across two pages, which can be used for aesthetic reasons or simple structure and functionality. It's down to your own decision, and you can choose what you use it for. It enables you to have larger images and engages the viewer. Also maintains interest and attracts the reader's eye.

What is the Golden Section?
The Golden Section is  also known as the Golden Ratio, that is a special number approximate to 1.618. The Golden Ratio is an irrational number, which means that you can't use it as a simple fraction, but you can calculate it by using a particular equation.

The Golden Section has been used since the Greeks and Romans, and is used from nature. Things that are naturally created follows the golden ratio, for example a shell. Although it is calculated, it is the only equation that can be used for aesthetics. 

Explain what rulers, boxes, folio numbers and drop caps are
Rulers are the measurements in the document that can be used to align the design accurately. Boxes are also called frames and there are three types; text, image and unassigned. Folio number is another term for page numbering. Drop caps are when you enlarge the first letter of the sentence or paragraph to emphasise the letter. 

What are picas, points and pixels?
Picas are a unit of measurement, used to measure typography. There are 6 picas in an inch and 12 points in a pica. A pixel is a square element that is normally used to create an image. A 10x10 image will be made up of 100 pixels. There are 96 pixels per inch. When you use pixels for printing, it goes up to 180 pixels per inch for smaller documents, and lithographs can go up to around 2000ppi.

Pagination is the process of dividing content into pages both electronically or printed. Printed collateral are usually created digitally (PDF) and then printed. Pagination encompasses rules and algorithms for deciding where page break will occur.

  • Greeking
  • Folio Numbers
  • Ligatures
  • Measures
  • Rules & Boxes
Peer Review:

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