Sunday 8 December 2013

OUGD504: Design For Print & Web Secondary Research

Research into organic packaging

I quite like the idea of using hessian style cloth for sacks to package the products. This gives a really organic and natural feeling to the packaging. It's also quite a unique idea - you don't often see this type of material used for packaging.

The use of pegs to hold packs together is more natural and organic than using glue or melting the plastic together to seal it.

Sheets of brown paper with screen printed type on it also looks very organic and natural.

The consistency of the brand 100 x 100 is reflected really obviously within this packaging and makes it feel as a whole set of products.

The orange belly band adds class to these packages and gives a bit of colour to what would have been a very brown box.


Research into plant packaging

I found the stock used for this packaging interesting, as it looks as though it has been made from recycled paper or like it could be biodegradable.

I thought that this packaging idea was quite humorous and cleverly designed, as it does look as though the plants are in the room, rather than hidden inside the box by the use of clever imagery.

I liked the fact that this plant packaging was made out of some pieces of wood.

This packaging was quite cute, as well as humorous - it looks as though the grass growing out of the top of the plant is hair.

It was different to see some plants packaged within 3D prisms made of paper.

This packaging idea was really interesting, as you could plant the labels in the ground (they were fully biodegradable) and within the labels were different kinds of seeds, so your veggies will grow!

I liked the use of a big wooden box to contain the packaged products.


Research into seed packaging

The info graphics on these seed boxes were particularly interesting and eye-catching. I thought that they were clever representations of the types of seeds you receive, and how many you receive.

I liked the illustrative feel to these packages.

I liked the idea of having a window in the packaging so that thou could see what the seeds inside looked like.

I really like the idea of having some packaging containing different types of seeds, where you can choose which seeds are dispatched by tearing off that particular section. This will be more environmentally friendly, as it will cut down on packaging!

These seed packets seemed a bit too colourful, and not so organic!

Use of the info graphics previously mentioned, but across several products.


I've noticed that brown stock is used throughout organic and natural packaging products - this will probably be due to the fact that brown is a very natural and 'earthy' colour, so relates to the organic colour scheme of nature and plants. Brown paper also gives off an eco-friendly feel, and as though it's been produced from a sustainable resource.

A lot of packaging out there doesn't include that much colour in the printed art work themselves, but rely more on the colour of chosen stock. Occasionally colours will be used, but only if it is relevant.

1 comment:

  1. Great tips regrading eco friendly shipping supplies. You provided the best information which helps us a lot. Thanks for sharing the wonderful information.
