Friday 13 December 2013

OUGD504: Secondary Research For Design For Print & Web

The description, study, drawing or photography of microscopic objects. The art or practice of writing in minute characters.

For example: writing on rice

I thought that maybe I could try writing onto seeds as part of the product?

When I researched into this online, I couldn't find any record of anyone else writing on seeds!....

Could the seeds be hand-made?

Ai Weiwei created millions of sunflower seeds out of porcelain and covered the floor of the Turbine Hall at the Tate Modern, London.

I went to this exhibition in 2011, unfortunately we weren't allowed to interact with the sunflower seeds when I visited the Tate, as they had found traces of lead within the seeds and were worried about lead poisoning! I was even told off for trying to lean over the barriers and get myself a seed to take home!

I also couldn't find any photos I took when I went, which is extremely annoying!!!

More about Ai Weiwei's Sunflower Seeds:

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