Saturday 21 December 2013

OUGD504: Secondary Research into Kew Gardens

Saving seeds worldwide and safeguarding plant life to help solve some of the world’s most pressing problems.

The Millennium Seed Bank Partnership (MSBP) is a network that, in December 2012, comprised 170 partners in 80 countries. In 2009, the MSBP hit its first target of collecting and banking seed from 24,200 plant species in just 10 years. That success is testament to the power of the partnership and makes us confident we can achieve still more over the period up to 2020 by when we will have seed from 75,000 species in safe storage. This represents about a quarter of all the world’s bankable species.

Our priorities are useful species and plants most threatened by changing climate - those from drylands and islands, mountains and coastal regions - and from parts of the world where there are large gaps in our collections. The MSBP isn't only about safeguarding seed for the future but about helping solve some of the world's most pressing problems through the use of plants.

I thought that the current welcome pack and certificate that you receive isn't really that appealing! No wonder the younger generation don't find plant-life that appealing or 'cool'!

How can I make the designs better and more appealing?
How can I appeal to the younger generation?!?!?!

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