Wednesday 19 November 2014

OUGD601: The Sign Painter's Film Notes

"Invisible art... invisible industry... people just take it for granted"

"I could do whatever the fuck I wanted to do and make a living"

"You realise that you're just painting signs for other sign painters?"

- Started about 150 years ago
- Sign painters creating advertisements for companies.
   - advertising medium
   - "local sign man"

- Marjory Garrison

- Tod Swormstedt
" Signs are everywhere but I never thought that somebody had to make those"

- Beverly Sign Company - 50 sign painters

- Justin Green

- Ernie Gosnell

- Roderick Treece
   - Sign painter since 12 years old
   - Specialises in gold leaf

- Gary Martin
   - Hoovering walls before painting on them

- Bob Dewhurst
"Letters are a really cosmic thing"

Quills, sword stripers, dagger brushes, liner brush, chop brushes, badger hair, squirrel hair

- Sean Barton

- Nick Barber
"Bought a bunch of these font catalogues and spent my time drawing them"
   - Teaches students

Type Designers and Letterers
John Downer
Ken Barber

"Lettering is a drawing of a letter or group of letters... (rest of quote at 00:25)

Ed Otten and John Downer work together in a studio

- Norma Maloney

- Jeff Canham
   - 35 years old
   - Started painting 5 years ago
   - BA in Graphic Design

- Damon Styer
   - New Bohemian Sign company founded in 1993
   - 1999 became an apprentice there

- Mike Meyer
"You're going to make more money out of this sign then I ever will"

- Phil Vandervaat
"I kind of push everything to the comical"
   - Started at 26 years old, been painting for about 32 years.

00:43 - good quote about signs

"Sign painters don't hate signs"

"No topping sign painters as a visual artists" from a book that one of the talkers read - said it was heartbreaking to read about the confidence in the industry.

- Mark Oatis
   - One of the Letterheads
   - Jerry Allbrights Sign School
   - 2001 type design seminar
   - Letterheads movement - meetings with letterers and painters
   - Letterheads motto: IOAFS: It's only a fucking sign

- Pulse patterns
   - Pokes holes in paper to rub chalk over to create templates on walls for painting

'The Art of Hand Lettering' by Mike Stevens

'Sign Craft' Magazine

"The problem with technology is it doesn't stand still..." 00:54

"It's no longer about the quality, it's about how fast it is and how cheap the job is"

"Every human being has the capability of altering their environment with their bare hands"

- Colossal Media
   - Hand painted advertising company
   - 5-7 years of training

- Syracuse - Stephen Powers
   - 'A Love Letter For You' project
"A vehicle for projecting larger ideas"

- John Starr: Starr Studios

"Victory over vinyl"

"Old signs become art, they become wall art. Vinyls shrink and you throw them away. I want to make signs that become art."

"You get that brush and you master that brush. You can get that brush to do anything you want it to. And that's power"

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