OUGD601: COP Tutorial

by Roxxie Blackham on Thursday, 30 October 2014

- Sign writing // is sign writing dying due to technology?
- "Technology" or digital image-making or contemporary graphic design?
- Any specific area / industry / application?
- In defence of sign writing
- Focus more on "sign writing" rather than digital technology.
- Look at traveler culture, how sign writing was influenced by this. Wagons, etc.
- Primary research - sign writing used in various contexts:
   - Traveler culture
   - Coffee shops
   - Granary Wharf
   - Clarence Dock

- Connecting with history - pastiche
- What is the commercial potential of sign writing?
- Can you find a client and produce some work for them? Reflecting on the defense of sign writing and showing that there is still a need?

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