I think this font is extremely effective and is similar to some of my previous work. I love the use of script as it makes the whole of the word look like a continuous vein running across the page. This kind of idea could work really well as part of a font representing dissection.
I love work made by Jessica Hische and think this piece of typographic design is aesthetically pleasing and effective. I wouldn't be able to do something like this for my alphabet as the letters won't really work as well on their own, but I think it looks really nice and the veins are a good starting point
I absolutely love this typeface. I think it works really well as a series as well as when the letters are by themselves. I love the poster that has been created with it, and the fact the typeface was based on skeletons and veins. I think something like this could look really good, but might not represent dissect that well...
I think this idea is really simple, yet effective. It would be really easy to reproduce, but maybe a little bit too obvious and dull for my concept.
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