Using Shannon & Weaver's model of the communication process, analyse one piece of visual communication.
Using the Shannon & Weaver's model, we can say that the information source would be the client / brief that the designer has worked from. This information source could also be research that they have committed themselves to work upon over the publication, or research that they have been given by their client.
To transmit or encode this information that has been gathered, a designer would have been hired to produce something relevant to the information given in the brief that meets the criteria. In this case, the designer has transmitted the information into a publication/magazine. The designer will need to produce a design aesthetic that is highly redundant, so that the information can be clear and easily understood. However, because of the format of the information, the designer is allowed to play around with the rules of redundancy, and create something that could be entropic.
This transmitted information will then need to be channeled into something accessible. In this case, the channel would be the physical thing that has been produced - the publication/magazine. There aren't any cases of noise visible within this publication, however during production the designer could have experienced a variety of noises, for example the printer wasn't working or the bounding of the book stopped it from closing etc.
Then the receiver or decoder of this particular piece of design would be the printer/publisher. They would receive the channeled publication files from the designer and then decode the information so that they have something produced that can be sell to the target audience, or in other words, the destination.
The layout of the content inside the magazine is highly entropic, as the typography has been positioned sideways. This works in the designers favour to separate it from others in the market. However, it still holds redundancy, due to functionality - you can still understand and read the magazine as the designer needs to keep the functionality within the publication, else it won't be successful in the target market.