OUGD404: Grids & Divine Proportions Part 2

by Roxxie Blackham on Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Canons & Grids

Van De Graaf Canon:

A grid is like scaffolding, it will help structure the elements it's holding. It is what you would use to divide up a double page spread. This canon is also known as "the secret canon", and is used in many medieval manuscripts. 

The construction works for any page size, similarly to the golden ratio. 

The reason why there is a larger margin on the left and right is so that your fingers don't cover up the information. 

The furthest the human eye can read one line of text is 30 metres. 

7 words per line for a text of any length. 

Columns rule doesn't work for advertising, as it doesn't make much stand out. Advertising relies on  "in your face" technique. 

Margin Rules:
  • Too small - looks over full
  • Too large - exaggeration
  • Head - top of margin 
  • Tail - bottom of margin
  • Bottom margins should always be large. 

Is it all just about aesthetics?

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