Dictionary Definition
verb (used with object)
1. To cut apart (an animal body, plant, etc) to examine the structure, relation of parts, or the like
2. To examine minutely part by part; analyze (to dissect an idea)
verb - to cut up; take apart
Synonyms: anatomize, break up, cut, dichotomy, dis-join, disjoint, dis-limb, dismember, dissever, divide, ex-sect, lay open, operate, part, pro-sect, quarter, section, separate, sever, slice, sunder
"Dissection (also called anatomization) is usually the process of disassembling and observing something to determine its internal structure and as an aid to discerning the functions and relationships of its components"
Grey's Anatomy
Grey's Anatomy is an English human anatomy textbook originally written by Henry Gray
An Illustration from the 1918 edition.
I think that similar illustrations for my typeface would be effective and aesthetically pleasing (try adding veins or organs to the letterforms).
Anatomy of Type
Useful website: The Anatomy of Type
Visual Representation of Typeface Anatomy
I think that breaking the letter-forms down into their anatomy parts, or drawing typefaces with precision and identifying the different characteristics of each letter-form would be really interesting and fun to work with. Could leave the pencil marks on the paper after drawing over with pen to add authenticity and texture.
Some examples of previous typefaces
Dissecting Typefaces by Thomas Cullen
I really like Cullen's dissection typeface. I think it works really well and is aesthetically pleasing. The letter's look as though they've been cut up and dissected and I like how he's made it look as though the letter-forms are living objects by adding bones and blood.
Experimenting With Dissecting Type - Andreas Scheiger
I love this typeface and the idea and concept behind it. I think the way it has been created is really effective and looks amazing! The fact that Scheiger has actually taken the time to create 3D letter-forms makes the final result more compelling and realistic.
Divided Font
I think that this typeface works really well as a set and even though it's a 'divided' font, it also conveys the word 'dissect' as the letter-forms have been cut in half, or dissected into two.
Quarters Font by Iamsla
This typeface reminds me of dissection, as each letter has been divided into separate parts, or quarters.
Sliced Tech Font
I don't really like this typeface as I find it really illegible, however it looks like it has been sliced up and cut into lots of little pieces, as if it were dissected. It's not that effective, but it's heading along the same lines.
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